You can find more information on middle school and high school rights, special education, transition IEPs, and transition at:
- The Delaware Department of Education
- Main website:
- Special education procedural safeguards:
- Transition information (, including:
- DDOE’s Annotated Transition IEP, which is a helpful guide to the different parts of the IEP (the annotations include a description of all the different areas on the IEP form);
- Transition guide from the DDOE; and
- Draft transition timeline from the DDOE.
- You can find a transition IEP checklist at:
- (Delaware Department of Education)
- And another at: (Wrightslaw)
- Early Start to Supported Employment is a program that transitions students from high school to supported employment after completing high school. It is a cooperative program between the Department of Education, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Division of Developmental Disabilities Services, and local school districts. You can find out more information on this program from your school, DVR, or DDDS worker, or the Delaware Department of Education’s transition page, linked below.
- The Delaware Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR or “Voc. Rehab”) has transition services including school-to-work program(s)! You can learn more at
- Delaware’s Division of Health and Social Services has submitted a proposal to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to provide a new employment services program for Medicaid Beneficiaries, called Pathways to Employment. Check to find out more.
- Parent Information Center: (provides information and support to parents of children with disabilities from birth to 26 to help them access appropriate education and related services for their children)
- Governor’s Advisory Council for Exceptional Citizens (GACEC):
- GACEC transition website education page:
- Wrightslaw: (special education advocacy website and seminars)
- U.S. Department of Education:
- Office for Civil Rights:
- Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS):
- OSERS Questions and Answers on Transition:
- Year of College and Career for Youth with Disabilities
- FAQ on Section 504:
- State special education laws and regulations can be found in: Title 14 of the Delaware Code, Chapter 31 (Exceptional Persons); and Title 14 of the Delaware Administrative Code, Part 900 (Special Populations).
- Disabilities Law Program of Community Legal Aid Society, Inc.:
- There are many disability specific advocacy organizations that provide parents and students information about education needs specific to a particular disability.