Old School, father of three.

Middle & High School Rights

Middle School and High School Rights for Delaware Transition-Age Youth and their Families Alternative formats and downloads: Middle School and High School Rights Transition Guide(PDF) Text Only Middle School and High School Rights Guide Final (Word) More Information! Discipline of Students with Disabilities (Word) Sample evaluation request letter (Word) Sample IEP meeting request letter (Word) Sample independent evaluation request…

Higher Education Rights

Higher Education Rights for Delaware Transition-Age Youth and Their Families   Alternative formats and downloads:  Higher Education Rights Transition Guide (PDF) Text Only Higher Education Transition Guide (Word) Sample-Reasonable-Accommodation-Letter-Higher_Ed (Word) Derechos a la educacion superior (Espanol – Word) Presentation Higher Education Rights (slide presentation) This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, powered by Office Online. Introduction The transition from childhood…

Voting Rights

Voting Rights for Delaware Transition-Age Youth and Their Families Alternative formats and additional downloads: Voting Rights Transition Guide(PDF) Text Only Voting Rights Guide (Word) Voter Rights Card People with Disabilities Delaware (PDF) The Right to Vote in Delaware brochure (PDF) People with Disabilities want to vote 2014 (PDF) This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, powered by Office Online.…

Age of Majority

Age of Majority Rights for Delaware Transition-Age Youth and Their Families  Alternative formats: Text Only Age of Majority Rights Guide PDF Age of Majority Rights Transition Guide More information: Bank and Credit cards This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, powered by Office Online. Introduction The transition from childhood to adulthood can be both exciting and…